Villa da Schio


Villa da Schio in Castelgomberto is an important historical and cultural landmark in the Vicenza area.
This 17th-century building represents one of the most beautiful Venetian mansions of the Baroque period. The Da Schio family has been continuously living in this venue for many centuries.

The maintenance and restoration of the Villa is essential to ensure the preservation of this cultural and historical heritage. Indeed, the building and its garden represent an important memory of the culture and art of the past that cannot be lost. Restoration and maintenance make it possible to preserve the original features of the building, preserving the traces of time and decorative elements of the period. It also ensures that this heritage can be passed onto future generations, creating a bridge between the past, present, and future.

On top of that, the restoration of Villa da Schio also has a positive impact on the local community, as the building is an important tourist attraction. The preservation of this cultural heritage is a way to promote the area and increase tourism, thus promoting the economic and cultural development of the region.