Chaos String Quartet at Sala dei Giganti

Padova, Italy

23 May 20:15

Susanne Schäffer, violin
Eszter Kruchió, violin
Sara Marzadori, viola
Bas Jongen, cello

Jean-Féry Rebel (1666 – 1747) – Le chaos (da “Les Élémens”)

Alban Berg (1885 – 1935) – Lyric Suite
I. Allegretto gioviale II. Andante amoroso III. Allegro misterioso. Trio estatico IV. Adagio appassionato V. Presto delirando. Tenebroso VI. Largo desolato

The concert is organized by Amici della Musica di Padova thanks to the collaboration with Comitato AMUR

The concert is held as part of the Festival “Avvicinamenti Appassionati” of the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DISLL) and the Department of General Psychology (DPG) of the University of Padua, with a talk by Professor Massimo Grassi (DPG) on “MUSIC, MIND AND BRAIN: PERFORMING MUSIC.”

Concerto open to the public. Free entry.

Event Info

Date & Time

23 May (Thursday)


Sala dei Giganti Palazzo Liviano, Piazza Capitaniato, Padua, Province of Padua, Italy