<p>Inspired by the interplay of antagonistic concepts—Individualism vs. Collectivism and Silence vs. Sound—this project explores their reflection in music and their impact on our lives. It poses several key questions: How are these concepts conceived by our societies? How do they influence our existence? How can a string quartet transition from a group of individuals to a unified collective? The project also delves into the relationship between sound and its absence. Can silence be considered music? What role does silence play in musical compositions, and how does it relate to sound? Additionally, it examines how silence and sound affect the spaces we inhabit. Through this exploration, the project aims to deepen our understanding of these fundamental dualities and their expression through music.</p> <p><strong>MUSIC PROGRAM</strong></p> <p>Arvo Part, Guillaume Dufay, Guillaume De Machaut, Bach, Terry Riley, John Cage</p>