<p>This project explores dark storytelling through a unique musical experience. By combining Franz Schubert’s String Quartet No. 14 ‘Death and the Maiden’ and George Crumb’s ‘Black Angels: Thirteen Images from the Dark Land’ with performances by a storyteller/actor, the project immerses the audience in traditional and modern dark fairy tales. In the wake of the pandemic and ongoing global conflicts, themes of life and death are especially relevant. Art offers catharsis, allowing for reflection and healing. Fairy tales, part of European cultural heritage, provide a safe way to explore these dark themes. This adaptable concert concept integrates music, theatre, literature, and stage design, showcasing the MERITA programme’s emphasis on music and the arts. It aims to attract diverse audiences, fostering connections across different demographics and ensuring classical music’s continued innovation and relevance.</p> <p><strong>MUSIC PROGRAM</strong></p> <p>Franz Schubert (1797-1828) – String Quartet No.14, ‘Death and the Maiden’ (1824)<br /> I. Allegro<br /> II. Andante con moto<br /> III. Scherzo Allegro molto. Trio<br /> IV. Presto</p> <p>George Crumb (1929-2022) – Black Angels: Thirteen Images From a Dark Land (1970)<br /> 1. Departure<br /> Threnody I: Night of the Electric Insects(tutti)<br /> Sounds of Bones and Flutes(trio)<br /> Lost Bells(duo)<br /> Devil-music (solo)<br /> Danse Macabre (duo)<br /> 2. Absence<br /> Pavana Lachrymae (trio)<br /> Threnody II: Black Angels! (tutti)<br /> Sarabanda de la Muerte Oscura (trio)<br /> Lost Bells(Echo) (duo)<br /> 3. Return<br /> God-music (solo)<br /> Ancient Voices(duo)<br /> Ancient Voices(Echo) (trio)<br /> Threnody III: Night of the Electric Insects (quartet)</p>