<p>This project creates an engaging performance combining contemporary music, video, and spoken text, fostering intercultural dialogue within an immersive artistic experience. Featuring pieces by young composers living outside their birth countries, the continuous format alternates string quartets with pre-recorded audio and video interviews, exploring themes of music, migration, and cultural influence. The project aims to expand the string quartet repertoire, address diversity in music, connect contemporary music with modern audiences, and emphasize the need for cultural dialogue in a globalized world. It targets concert institutions and music festivals, aiming to reconnect young people with contemporary music.</p> <p><strong>MUSIC PROGRAM</strong></p> <p>R. Bahar: “Memory of a stone skipping the skin of the water on the lake” (2021)</p> <p>Camilo Bornstein: New piece for string quartet (2023)</p> <p>I.Xenakis: “Tetras” for string quartet OR B.Bartok: String Quartet no 4</p> <p>A.Sowa: Piece for Saxophone and Violin player (new arrangement for string quartet 2020)</p> <p>Georgia Koumara: Unbewusste Spiele für Streichquartett (2015)</p>